The Hired Veteran

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OMG it's back?

I know what all three people who read this are asking? Is the blog back, are there plans for new posts, what has been going on for the past couple years while the blog has languished in un-updated horror? Well, some of those are yes, some are maybe, some are I am not sure.

This is what I do know. I have had a LOT go on in the past couple years and this blog, project, thing has never been far from my thoughts. I have some ideas on how to make it better, maybe get some actual readers, and help do what this was originally designed to do. Help veterans with the job hunt.

So with that, stay tuned. My goal is going to be one post a week on Sundays. I am sure I will mess that up from time to time but I am going to try and make my first post tomorrow. It won’t be amazing, it won’t be spectacular, but it will be a post and for me that matters.

Thanks again, all three of you readers, and see you on pages.
