

Welcome to "The Hired Veteran".  I write about my experience as a veteran and the job search. My hope is that my adventures in job hunting help veterans find purpose and meaningful employment after they leave the uniform.  Please reach out to me and share your thoughts on what you think of the site!



Is this thing still on?

This blog and site has languished for almost two years. Granted that was March 2020 and we all know how things have been since then. I am not here to say that I am going to get back into posting here. I just know that isn’t realistic. But my hope is to try and push some good content out from time to time using this portal and grow the following through quality content. That might be once a week, or a month, or who knows…but I know that I still believe in the mission of this page.


Guest Contributor: 8 Things the Marines taught me about Professional Communication